Reverse Thrasymachianism
Thrasymachus was a sophist featured in Plato’s Republic who believed relativist anti-realism supported the elites at the top of oppressive social hierarchies. This is backwards from what we tend to believe today. What’s popular now is Reverse Thrasymachianism, the belief that relativist anti-realism undermines oppressive social hierarchies.
The phrase “Reverse Thrasymachianism” was coined by Objectivist philosopher Stephen Hicks, who explains it in his audio lecture called “Postmodernism, Part 2” delivered at the 1998 Summer Seminar of the Institute for Objectivist Studies, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bChKoll81r4 , 12:58)
Instance of great suffering says:
Please, I pray you, my suffering torments me so. I wish my mind had the magic power to change reality, to change it from harsh to paradisiacal.
Therefore hear me cheer for linguistic idealism [a type of anti-realism] as Terence McKenna tells me: “... what the alien voice in the psychedelic experience wants to reveal is the syntactical nature of reality; that the real secret of magic is that the world is made of words, and that if you know the words that the world is made of, you can make of it whatever you wish.”
[Spacetime Continuum with Terence McKenna, Alien Dreamtime (1993), Speaking in Tongues. Lyrics at https://genius.com/Spacetime-continuum-speaking-in-tongues-lyrics ]
[Cue: Propaganda - Dream Within a Dream]
Competitive Compassion Dream Scene # 1 for IAOEAAO
Horace Mason - Pushback against anti-realist monopoly on compassion
Dear Robert Anton Wilson - The questionable benevolence of dogmatic paranoid anti-dogmatism
Giving Birth to Konrad - My realism vs anti-realism dual personality
I've Discovered that I'm Insane, Version 1
Instance of Great Suffering Walks Into a Bar
Say Something Helpful - Poetic lament over logic and suffering
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