Texts (Books, Articles ...)

The books that inform me:

John Haugeland, 1985

Morris Berman, 1989
Daniel C. Dennett, 1991
"Corporations and Sustainable Development"
Jay Forrest
Victor Papanek, 1972
K. Eric Drexler, 1986
David Kelley, 1986

Ayn Rand, 1990

Mario Jacoby, 1985
L. A. Rollins, 1983
Leonard Peikoff, 1991
Richard Rorty, 1979
Ayn Rand, 1982
R. D. Laing, 1967
John R. Searle, 1992
Quee Nelson, 2007
Nancy Etcoff, 1999

Hubert L. Dreyfus, 1972
... that I want yet to read:
Robert Daoust


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