Giving Birth to Konrad - My realism vs anti-realism dual personality
Actually written DECEMBER 8, 1994 Hi. I’m a person with a split personality. That means I have two separate minds, two separate personalities, sharing this same body. I even have two separate names for each of my personalities. One is called Konrad, the other, Luke. You may have heard of, or even met other people with two or more personalities. Most often we think of multiple personalities as a disease that afflicts its victim without the victim’s knowing what happened. And in the extreme cases, the multiple personalities may not even know about any of the other personalities. On both these points, I am different. First of all, I became multi-personalitied deliberately, by choice. I actually wanted another personality, so I created one, gave it a name, and learned how to become that new person at will, and how to return to my old personality at will also. And second, both of my personalities know about one another, and maintain a complex relationship as if they were partners in life. O...